To contribute to the sustainable development of the dairy sector by providing impartial, competent laboratory activities and dairy herd improvement services.
To be the leading company in the country, providing the most technologically advanced range of analysis and other related services to the dairy sector.
Professionalism, responsibility, innovation.
JSC „Pieno Tyrimai“ was established in 1993 by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. The company‘s laboratory is an accredited central milk testing laboratory in Lithuania. Since 2001 there is established and accredited Quality Management System in the laboratory according to LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. JSC „Pieno Tyrimai“ Laboratory provides the services of testing of composition and quality of procured cow's milk, which is required for settlement among parties of raw milk procurement agreements. Maintaining an unified national raw milk testing system, the laboratory provides the services of testing of raw milk required for improvement of dairy herds with an aim to ensure productivity of dairy cows in Lithuania.
After joining JSC "Gyvulių produktyvumo kontrolė" from 1 of July 2019, the company's activities expanded to provide animal productivity research services. Recording of dairy animals carried out in the company includes methodical determination of milk yield, taking of control milk samples, their analysis, accounting of primary breeding and individual productivity data, their registration and accumulation in the farm animal breeding information system. It is the main means of targeted and consistent breeding work, which determines the successful process of animal selection, their reasoned and profitable breeding, increasing the efficiency of milk production, the competitiveness and sustainability of dairy farms. Farmers conducting the dairy animals recording, having detailed information about each animal, have every opportunity to make smart decisions on herd management, increase animal productivity, improve milk quality, reproduction rates, optimize feeding plans, reduce feed costs, avoid mastitis, metabolic diseases and other diseases related to them, get qualified consultations. The collection and analysis of production data is fundamental to improving profitability and long-term sustainability of dairy operation.
JSC „Pieno tyrimai“ applies a unified milk sampling, identification and sealing system, managed by a professional laboratory operation and computer information administration system. The system administers arrival of milk samples, testing and provision of information, data analysis, clustering, statistical processing and management of the quality system. Application of this system enables the laboratory to ensure efficient transfer of data to the clients and institutions concerned.
Customers can always rely on the impartiality and expertise of our services, whether they involve analyses, calibration, inspections, reports or results. The impartiality and quality of our services are assured through accreditation and regular inspections by the Lithuanian National Accreditation Bureau.
Our accreditations:
Annually, JSC „Pieno Tyrimai“ Laboratory produces more than 3 million analytical results – from bulk milk samples for quality and payment purposes as well as from individual animal samples for the Lithuanian Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) System.
Laboratory examines the raw bulk milk samples for the following composition and quality parameters:
Our routine laboratory examines approximately 1,2 millions of samples for the DHI System for the parameters fat, protein, lactose, somatic cell count and urea. These results are provided to the farmers and are taken as a reference for the efficiency rating of single animals. Furthermore these data are important for the estimation of breeding values and are used for feeding advices. More than 56 % of all Lithuanian dairy cows are analyzed in this way. The company's productivity research activities are licensed and meet the requirements of ICAR (International Committee of Animal Recording), EU and national regulatory documents. The milk samples for the pregnancy testing in dairy cows using a PAG test are also examined in the laboratory in Kaunas.
Besides the routine activities, we always focus on our customer‘s needs and try to provide individual solutions. JSC „Pieno Tyrimai“ joined the global and unique Eurofins Agro‘s Samplinq® network. As independent laboratory we are offering a comprehensive service package collaborating with Eurofins Agro for NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy) analysis of roughages, feeds, raw materials and TMR’s samples.
The company is committed to the highest quality of provided services and application of the most advanced technologies. Our highly skilled and qualified employees have gained extensive work experience, thus being devoted to seek for more extensive list of services provided by the company, as well as application of innovative technological solutions, complying with the most modern global practice and enabling to achieve competitive advantage.
The company is in close cooperation with national, European and other research laboratories, centers, as well as other institutions, taking active part in the activities of international dairy organizations.